
London Estonian Society (LES) was founded on the 7th of July 1921 at the representative office of the newly formed Republic of Estonia. Up until 1947 LES was the only sociable organisation for Estonians in the United Kingdom. The Society aimed to connect all Estonians residing in the UK, but also to connect with Estonians all over the world. Even after the creation of the Association of Estonians in Great Britain, LES as the oldest Estonian expat society aimed to connect Estonians in London and those who don't have Estonian societies nearby but wish to be part of Estonian groups in the UK. Read more...


Londoni Eesti Selts tähistas EV107 aastapäeva. 
Eesti Vabariigi sünnipäeva puhul saime jälle Eesti kogukonnaga kokku St Anne luterikirkus. Suur tänu kõigile, kes tulid, esinejatele, toetajatele, Eesti Saatkonnale ja kirikuperele, kes meid nii hästi vastu võtsid.
Esinesid: Londoni Eesti Segakoor, ja laulis Kymbali Williams. Kõne pidasid Eesti Suursaadik UK-s Viljar Lubi, piiskop Ove Sander Eestist, ja jumalasõna lugesid õpetajad Lagle Heinla ja Meelis Süld.
Elagu Eesti! 

All kids over the age of 8 years are welcome!  Read more here...

Subscribe to Eesti Hääl - the Estonian newspaper in the UK

The new look Eesti Hääl (Estonian News) will be published four times a year in the form of a newsletter which will be sent direct to your email address. The newsletter is free but we do welcome voluntary contributions to cover running costs.

The first issue is due for publication in February. If you would like to order the Eesti Hääl newsletter, please send an email to info@eestihaal.co.uk
Join Us!

London Estonian Society is open to all estonians and everyone interested in the Estonian culture and language. All volunteers have the opportunity to contribute to the preservation of Estonian language and culture in London. We frequently meet to discuss, and organise events and activities.

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